• Registrar
  • Applying to Graduate
  • Applying to Graduate

    Application for BA Degree

    Undergraduate students of senior standing who intend to graduate within the next year should formally apply for graduation by going to their myGoucher accounts and following the "Online Application for Degree" link. Only those students who are currently listed in the Office of the Registrar's database as anticipated to complete their degree within the next 2 semesters (and summer session) will have this link in their myGoucher accounts. All other students should wait to apply for graduation until they are further along in their programs. If you are a senior and you don't see this link in your myGoucher account please contact the Office of the Registrar at graduation@365dafa6.com  Applications for students wishing to participate in the May commencement ceremony are due by February 1st or a late fee will be imposed. Applications for students completing requirements in December who wish to participate in the following May ceremony, are due by October 1st or a late fee will be imposed.

    More Commencement information available at:
